Presidential aspirant Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has come under fire after making a rape joke during a campaign sortie. The video shows Duterte relaying a story about an Australian lay minister who was raped.
On Facebook, Robin Haines Merrill publicly denounce the presidential candidacy of Duterte because of his statement:
“ON BEHALF OF MY SISTER IN CHRIST, MISSIONARY JACQUELINE HAMILL, I PUBLICALLY DENOUNCE THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDACY OF DUERTE, IN THE PHILIPPINES. Jacqueline was raped and had her throat slit while ministering in the jails in southern Philippines in a 1989 hostage taking. Duerte was recorded this week saying in his political rally that while he ordered the killing of the hostage takers while he was mayor, he wished he could have raped her first, since she was so beautiful. Looking back on this photo, I realize ministering in jails as a woman is very risky and looks outright naive, like the “you got what was coming to you” mentality that is prevalent today. But all ministry and everyday LIFE is a big risk, and we must be obedient to the voice of the spirit of God, even if it leads us to death. Jacqueline’s death affected me deeply personally, as I had been visiting just about every jail in Manila with the ACTION/CGM teams from 1986-89. I couldn’t yet speak the language but I could play the flute and just show love to people in horrible situations. LOVE TRUMPS HATE. DON’T STOP LOVING. DON’T VOTE FOR PEOPLE who speak vile things against WOMEN!! We are ALL made in the Image of God!!”
On the other hand, Women’s group Gabriela demanded an immediate apology from Mayor Duterte for his statement.
“Mayor Rodrigo Duterte should immediately apologize for his statements making fun of rape,” Gabriela said in their statement posted on their social media account:
Rape is a serious crime not just against women but against humanity.
Rape, or any form of sexual abuse is not a joke nor something to be trivialized in a joke, especially by a public official and most especially by those aspiring for the highest post in the land.
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte should immediately apologize for his statements making fun of rape.
We also challenge him to use his campaign to promote issues that will elevate the condition of women and their families.