Actress Angel Locsin shared on her Instagram a couple of photos showing her new home. The ‘Pilipinas Got Talent’ Season 5 judge visited her new place and even shared a photo given to her by the former owner of the house.
The first photo shows Angel simply on the floor with her white polo shirt:
“I love the purple sunset photograph so much that I asked her on the spot if she would take a photo of me at my new place. It’s still bare so we agreed to just shoot it raw. Natural lighting, no reflectors, no styling team, no make up, and no suklay I just put on my white polo shirt and slipped out of my moving day overalls get up and Ms. Wong did her magic. Happy ako na may photo ako to display that will remind me of that memorable day.”
Angel also shared the photo given to her with the following caption:
“While we were cleansing my new place, the previous owner dropped by and gave me a perfect welcome gift for the house! A framed photograph of a beautiful purple sunset that Ms. Bern Wong (the owner) took in one of her travels. I just want to share it with you guys!”
(Photo source: Instagram – @therealangellocsin)