Pia Wurtzbach defends BB. Pilipinas auditionee who got mocked online

None other than Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach came to the rescue of one BB. Pilipinas auditionee who got mocked online because of her physique. The BB. Pilipinas aspirant is Malyn Bocar Bergamo from Centro Escolar University.

Malyn is determined to purse her dreams of becoming a beauty queen despite having to endure the ridicule that awaits her. Little did she knew that Pia will come to her rescue.

On her Facebook page, Pia posted a photo of Malyn with the following message:

“To this girl who auditioned for Bb PILIPINAS 2016 and was mocked online. I just wanna say that you are beautiful. Beauty comes in different shapes and sizes. You go girl!”

For her part, Malyn felt happy and had this to say to Pia and to all her detractors:

On the comment section on Pia’s page, Malyn posted the following comment:

“They Laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at them because they all the same!”

“-Okay,First of all I am very proud and thankful for the beautiful encouragement that Ms. Universe Pia Wurtzbach has mentioned on her status! Coming from a Ms. Universe, there will never be doubts at all that we are both confidently beautiful, hahah! And i think all women are beautiful! We should all feel beautiful!! For all the comments, negatively and positively stated, my humble thanks to all of you! No need to worry much coz right now i am into a harder move of trimming down to get back to my old body structure! Well,Probably next year will be the right timing for me to audition to this search! Lastly, i would like to leave in your minds that being beautiful is being innocently and purely happy of our everyday life! I am always inspired by my mom’s advice that whenever i join any beauty pageants she would always tell me not to aim for the win but to play happily and gleefuly! Thankyou! God Bless Everyone. Lovelots!!! #repost #happy #dontbeafraid #todaretoasktotry #theimportantthingisalwaystobereal”

(Photo source: Facebook – @Pia Wurtzbach / @Malyn Bocar Bergamo)
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