Actress Diana Zubiri and model Andy Smith introduced their little bundle of joy, Aliyah Rose to social media. Last August 14, Sunday, Diana and Andy welcomed their newborn daughter.
Diana posted a photo of the one-week-old Aliyah Rose on her Instagram account last August 21, and wrote: “Hello world meet my baby girl #LittleASmith.” Aliyah Rose is nothing short of adorable with her puffy cheeks and a full tuft of hair on her head.
Meanwhile, Andy took to Instagram to share a sweet message for his wife and their sweet angel. Last August 21, Sunday, Andy shared their first family photo at the Makati Medical Center that was taken shortly after Diana gave birth.
“Welcoming our beautiful baby girl @aliyahrosesmith to the world. Born August 14 at 11.36am at a healthy 8lbs. Im so glad to finally hold you in my arms and I will give you my unconditional love everyday. To my wife @dianazubirismith, I want to thank you for your incredible strength throughout the pregnancy until the delivery. You did an amazing job and words can not describe how happy I am for us and our family. I’m praying to God for good health and a prosperous future #littleasmith,” he wrote.
The Australian model and host also went nostalgic and posted a photo of a momentous moment in his life as a father.
“The first time I held u in my arms @aliyahrosesmith #littleasmith”
Will this darling baby follow the footsteps of her famous parents? Only time will tell, but definitely, big things can be expected from little Aliyah.
(Photo source: Instagram – @thisisandysmith / @dianazubirismith)