Following the success of her recently released movie, ‘Love Me Tomorrow,’ ABS-CBN actress Dawn Zulueta and her husband, Anton Lagdameo decided to host an intimate dinner party for their close friends.
Through a couple of Instagram uploads on Monday (May 30, 2016), the 47-year-old ABS-CBN actress shared some snaps taken during their dinner party at home.
Seen on the photos were Dawn’s ‘Love Me Tomorrow’ stars Piolo Pascual and Coleen Garcia, ABS-CBN artists Bea Alonzo, Gerald Anderson, Iñigo Pascual, Ria Atayde, Arjo Atayde, and Enchong Dee.
“#AboutLastNight @aflagdameo and I hosted a dinner party at home Fabulous attendance @iminigopascual @piolo_pascual @riaatayde @mr_enchongdee @arjoatayde @viv721 @coleengarcia @jeffstelton @beaalonzo #ILoveYouGaiz #hangover”
“#AboutLastNight These Lovies Glad @andersongeraldjr followed too #hangover #celebrations”
As of now, Dawn, Piolo, and Coleen’s film, ‘Love Me Tomorrow’ is now available in cinemas nationwide.
(Photo Source: Instagram – @dawnzulueta)