Kim Ross Delos Santos gets disqualified from BB. Pilipinas 2016 due to a sexy fashion shoot

Binibining Pilipinas 2016 reportedly released an official disqualification announcement for pageant contestant Kim Ross Delos Santos after participating in a sexy fashion shoot in the past.

An Instagram post by one of Bb. Pilipinas’ fan page on Tuesday evening (March 8, 2016) revealed that the organizers of the national beauty pageant (Binibining Pilipinas Charity Inc.) reportedly disqualified the aspiring beauty queen after modeling for a sexy test shoot a few years back.

“It was just confirmed earlier today that one of the frontrunners of Binibining Pilipinas 2016, #Binibini20 Kim Ross Delos Santos is now disqualified for joining the said pageant. Just for posing for a sexy fashion test shoot, the lawyers of Binibining Pilipinas Charities Incorporated, were the ones decided to hinder the dreams of a Filipina to join in one of the most anticipated and prestigious beauty pageant in the Philippines. Later this year, it was said that they did not disqualify someone who posed half naked on FHM. A fashion model turned into a Beauty Queen. Dreaming to represent our beloved country in the international arena, Kim Ross Delos Santos embodies what a modern filipina is. BPCI, please do take actions on this. You’re an organization responsible for selecting Worldclass Filipina to represent our country in the International Beauty Pageants. You’re inspired by many so please act fairly and professionaly! To all Bb Pilipinas Fans, Aces and Queens, #KimCredibles and supporters of our dear #Binibini20 Kim Ross Delos Santos, huwag tayong susuko! This is not the end of our journey!...”

In addition, pageant mentor and trainer Jonas Antonio Gaffud expressed his disappointment towards BPCI and the lawyers of the Araneta Group who filed for the disqualification case through a couple of Facebook posts.

“It’s sad that today, the International Women’s Day, our candidate was disqualified because of her work as model. A Filipina model photographed by the same photographer who worked with BPCI in the past, in an expressive work of art alongside with a respected male internanational supermodel. These works of art are not deemed pornogrpahic. It saddens me that while we celebrate love and equality, the very organization that should uplift women, denies them the chance to demonstrate empowerment. Hello lawyers of the Araneta Group of Companies. Hello Mar Roxas.”

“This issue of disqualification of a worthy candidate is not just about pageants. It’s about hypocrisy. Kim Ross is a model who like Pia, is the breadwinner of her family. She was convinced to join BbPilipinas to perhaps improve their lives better. The lawyers of BPCI did not even check what the photo was about. It did not come out in any publication and was supposed to be a high end fashion shoot by The Doc Marlon who makes artwork not pornography. Now denying Kim her entry means they just shut her dream of becoming a beauty queen without due process, without any lawyer with her. Yes BPCI is a private (supposedly charitable institution). But they involved the public in getting contestants for the pageant. IMHO
And FYI lang again to the lawyers of Araneta Group: you did not disqualify a girl who was also half naked last year that was published on FHM. Why?”

As of writing, no official statement either from Binibining Pilipinas or Kim Ross Delos Santos has been released yet.

(Photo Source: Facebook – jonasofmercator / Instagram – @missphilippines2015 / @airwindzone)
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